
The word authenticity gets bandied around a lot these days. It’s an important one to us - in fact central to what we do. So what does it mean as a salesperson to be authentic?

Be Yourself

“Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.” 
Bruce Lee

First and foremost - be yourself. You can only be you – so be a great version of you. Let them see how great you are.

So what does that mean, in the context of sales? How do we be our authentic selves, and still ensure we are doing what needs to be done to get good sales outcomes?

If our goal as a salesperson is to guide our customer to a positive outcome, for both them and us – what are the behaviours and actions we take to ensure that happens?


Always bring your customers and prospects value. In every interaction, ensure that you bring some value to them.

This may be as simple as sharing an article that you thought may be of interest. You could bring them a lead for their business.

It could be some important information about your product, that you know will help their business.

Each time you head out to call or meeting, ask yourself the question:

What can I bring to them that is of true value to them?


Our time is our most valuable asset. Giving them your time is important.

Ensure when you are with people, that you are really there with them for that time.

Respect their time and work with them when it is of most value to them.

Be Responsive

Seems so obvious right? Yet it’s such an easy one to let slip.

If you think of a time when you have received great service as a customer, chances are one of the things you remember most is the responsiveness of the person you are dealing with.

They answered your questions and returned your calls.

You didn’t have to wait for an answer or chase them up.

Be that person - surprise and delight your customers with great service. Sometimes the simply things really are the best.

Want to hear more about how you can secure business customers being your authentic self? Checkout our FREE WEBINAR on Friday 24th Feb.


Creativity in Selling


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